Coach Miguel
Sports Coach
Coach Miguel has had an eclectic journey through the world of athletics. Growing up he sampled most sports available to him (baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball, etc.) but never committed to a singular discipline, instead choosing to indulge the many ways humans have been able to make games out of nothing. In college, this extended beyond the “standard sports” with stints in sand volleyball, rock-climbing, dodgeball and ad hoc frisbee golf. As he got older he realized he naturally tended to do well at racquet sports and, to this day, will accept challenges at any public court on the Eastside of Los Angeles. Despite knowing his strengths, he still tries to live out his dream of pulling off an in-match rainbow flick whenever he can. Any “shortcomings in his technical ability” (his words) are more than outweighed by his commitment to teaching kids of all ages the joy and novelty of sport.